Window glass graphics are an easy-to-install safety device that makes clear glass more visible and if for decorative purposes, more appealing. Apply them to the interior of ship windows, doors or partitions and your crew and passengers won’t walk head-long into unseen glass. Onboard Glass graphics can also help to make a bland interior look more visually stunning by adding creative design and colour to maritime glass surfaces.
While visually appealing and creatively exciting, safety is still the prime function of Solarglide’s glass graphics. Collision with clear glass is more common than one might think and can result in serious injury. Glass graphics (also referred to as manifestations) make glass more visible and ultimately stop adults and children from hurting themselves onboard cruise ships and ferries. Our glass manifestations are also DDA compliant, helping protect people with disabilities whilst at sea.
Solarglide offer a large range of graphics including frosted & coloured vinyl cut-outs, full digital printing onto optically clear or frosted film and one-way contravision. There are no creative boundaries; Solarglide can work with existing artwork or offer design ideas or new artwork for consideration. We also work to strict brand guidelines where necessary.
Look at some of our design recommendations below for maritime interior inspirations.
Frosted Vinyl Cut-outs
From opaque dots, stripes and waves to bespoke shapes and patterns, our marine glass manifestations keep your crew and passengers safe whilst offering unique and exciting internal glass decorations to observe. With a vast array of uses, our bespoke glass graphics could be used for company branding, typography, room names, shower areas or directional signage.
Coloured Vinyl Cut-outs
Use branded glass decorations on your internal ship windows to allow passengers and crew to navigate the internal areas of the ship. Choose a single colour graphic or coloured, multiple layered graphics to enhance brand awareness onboard.
Full Digital Print onto Optically Clear Film
Designed specifically for use on internal glass, Solarglide’s full digital print service will bring your maritime glass designs to life. There are no limits on colours or design, so creativity has no boundaries when it comes to creating unique & inspiring design. Printed on to optically clear film, non-printed areas of your design are crystal clear allowing for the main design elements to be bold and eye catching .
Full Digital Print onto Frosted Vinyl
Imagine amazing designs printed or etched into frosted vinyl to create unique glass designs onboard your vessel. Add logos, emblems, photographs, or patterns to embellish existing or new marine interiors.
Maritime Contravision
Amaze your passengers with high-definition micro perforated one way vision film. Transform onboard ship windows into valuable media space while also providing one-way privacy and solar shading for crew and passengers.
Artwork and Imagery
When supplying your own artwork, we ask for a vector image or high-resolution PDF. If these resources aren’t available, take advantage of Solarglide’s internal design team for creating design concepts that reflect your ideas ahead of a final glass manifestation being created.
Ship Window Glass Graphics Commercial and Military Ship Glass Graphics
Glass manifestations are used on commercial vessels as a functional safety tool for crew. They can offer privacy for windows facing into restricted areas such as the bridge and can be used for directional signage. Typography on glass for room signage, exit points and communal crew areas are essential, especially when a ship has regular crew changeovers.
Ship Window Glass Graphics Cruiseship and Ferries Glass Graphics
Glass graphics for cruiseliners and ferries are essential for avoiding accidents, they also create brand awareness and make interiors look more appealing to travelling guests. Plain glass can be very bland as well as dangerous if unseen by guests, so unique or coloured interchangeable graphics can enrich a passenger ships interior at very little cost.
Ship Window Glass Graphics Yachts and Superyacht Glass Graphics
Add a frosted or coloured pattern to the aft doors or add the boat name to glass surfaces throughout the yacht to create a unique and visually stunning maritime interior space.
Ship Window Glass Graphics Offshore Crane Glass Graphics
Solarglide offer frosted vinyl visors for offshore cranes, like those seen in cars and buses. The frosted film is attached internally to the top of the window helping to combat both glare and heat from above whilst allowing unrestricted visibility during crane operations. These frosted vinyl visors are made to the exact size of the crane window.
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The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) became law in 1995 and made it mandatory for all publicly accessible establishments and service providers to take reasonable steps to provide access for disabled people. This includes ships, cruise liners, ferries, and yachts.
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