We were contacted by North Star Shipping because they were experiencing issues with heat and glare onboard their vessel Grampian Endurance. Since its construction in 2010, the vessel had been operating without any solar window protection which made life onboard the ship quite uncomfortable. As global temperatures are rising, we made the decision to install blinds on the bridge for the safety and comfort of the crew, as well as to protect the expensive equipment used to run the ship. The vessel regularly experiences hot climates with heat and glare, causing significant problems during the summer months. It can also compromise visibility when the glare is at its worst. With 27 navigational windows plus a series of upper roof windows, glare and heat came from every direction on the bridge.
We offered the full turnkey solution for the Grampian Endurance. Delivered by our specialist team of installers, the first job was to conduct a detailed survey onboard the vessel at Fraserburgh in Northern Scotland. Our two-man team carried out a survey of the shapes, angles and quantities of the windows as well as consulting the crew to find out the severity of the problem. The solar screens were then manufactured using the measurements and specifications decided on during the survey.
While the screens were being manufactured, the Grampian Endurance sailed south to dock in Middlesbrough – a much shorter easier journey for our fitting team to undertake!
Installation of the new solar screens took two days. While blinds were installed on the bridge windows, the roof windows were fitted with adhesive film to match the blinds, providing an aesthetically pleasing link between the two. The roof windows are non-navigational and too high up to operate blinds easily. The film is the perfect solution for their position.
The main result of this project was a safe and happy crew. The difference in temperature and visibility were immediately evident, which made for a much more comfortable working environment.
The installation was timed perfectly due to the vessel’s impending departure from Middlesbrough to Malta and Egypt. In the past, the crew would have to rely on the HVAC system working on full capacity to keep them cool. With the addition of the Solarglide solar screens, a comfortable working environment is now achievable without the need for constant air conditioning, saving the vessel money and lessening its impact on the environment.
The blinds installed on the Grampian Endurance are maritime suitable. This means they won’t vibrate, rattle or jolt during operation. The double pulley system is robust and easy to use. Every blind and film were the perfect fit thanks to our advance survey. Measuring blinds onboard ships can be daunting due to the angles and shapes of the windows. Having a Solarglide engineer conduct the survey takes away the stress and worry of things going wrong.
Solarglide solar screens are type approved by Lloyd’s register, and our adhesive solar film range will be type approved from August 2022 onwards. Type approval is a trust mark given to a product that has passed stringent maritime tests, ensuring it is fit for purpose and suitable for use within the offshore marine market.
To find out more about our solar screens visit https://solarglide.com/products/marine-solar-screens/
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