Imitate To Stay Relevant. Solarglide Unpack The Case Study.

Solarglide Banner Artwork including Mary Reed or was it Mark Reed. © Solarglide Limited 2024
The Solarglide Language Is Reflected In Our Branding
Creativity runs through the heart of Solarglide. The people that work within the company live and breathe it daily. This is reflected in our branding, language and messaging. We, as a company, are very proud of our original concepts and the creative footprint we have developed over the past 15 years. Yes, our creative endeavours have been mimicked and competitor websites now miraculously resemble ours, but we still stand proud and continue to change and adapt, whilst leading the way.
You have probably now realised we don’t rely on Artificial Intelligence to write our case studies, blogs or maritime updates regarding our industry. Yes, everything we write is original, and, comes from individuals with original thought.
While we’re on the subject of original thought – lets mention – Paraphrasing Plagiarism, which basically means rephrasing someone else’s ideas in your own words.
Let Us Unpack This For A Moment. . .

Imitate To Stay Relevant. Solarglide Artwork including Captain Cook Artwork. © Solarglide Limited 2024
Instead of investing time, energy and resources creating their own identity, some companies have decided to lose their dated visual language and simply imitate other larger and more successful companies. Without us realising it, we’ve created a ‘ready made’ informational website template for the maritime anti-glare window solutions industry. Wow, see what we did there. . This will indeed save competitors time to do other things, but in short, is thoughtless, here’s why.
Companies copying our language or messaging, is their desire to achieve immediate success or instant gratification within their chosen industry. Another reason for companies to mimic other companies is that they feel they’re missing out on a trend, branding campaign or strategy.
The ‘piggy back’ approach often backfires as it results in a lack of authenticity and originality, making it difficult for these companies to sustain their success in the long run. Moreover, If creative marketing departments do not find innovation a natural resource, they will have to stay on the ‘bandwagon’ to simply ’stay relevant’ and unfortunately for them, it’s a race to the bottom.
Staying Relevant Within Your Industry.

Imitate To Stay Relevant. Solarglide Original Artwork for the Maritime History, including Captain Morgan and The Hand Of Franklin © Solarglide Limited 2024
To stay ‘Thought Leaders’ within the maritime industry and combat this issue, Solarglide have made a considerable investment with our creative staff and marketing team. We give them the space and time to develop, not only new ideas, but new experimental marketing campaigns that resonate throughout our industry. This can been seen within our website and social media, showcasing graphic design, marketing strategy, illustration, photography, video and copywriting.
To conclude, It is important for companies to feel proud of their websites, but not to the detriment of other companies. When organisation become confused about their brand identity or worse still, create ‘brand confusion’ they are simply unsure of the future, and, will inevitably look around to see who is successful. Making important creative or marketing decisions for a company is not for the faint hearted, this is because it can influence an organisations performance for many years to come, if not decades.
A recent University research paper explained how companies respond when making strategic decisions under uncertainty, it was a one word answer : imitation.
Solarglide Limited is an international maritime blinds manufacturer providing manual and motorised blinds and window shading solutions for yachts and super yachts. Yacht builders, charterers and yacht owners select Solarglide, providing high quality products and solutions, great customer service and reliable on time deliveries. Find out more at or Contact : [email protected]