
Category Archives: The Blind Mariner

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The Ghost Ship Mary Celeste

The Ghost Ship Mary Celeste Solarglide explore the Maritime Mysteries . . . The Ghost Ship / Mary Celeste The Los Angeles Times retold the Mary Celeste story in June 1883 in great detail ‘Every sail was set, the tiller was lashed fast, not a rope was out of place . . . The fire …

A Time Before England Existed

A Time Before England Existed . . . Solarglide Explore A Time Before England Existed . . . 1,400 years ago, a king or great warrior of East-Anglia was laid to rest in a 90ft Viking ship that was found and excavated within the Sutton Hoo burial ground near the English town of Woodbridge. Many …

Did Captain Cook Have Tattoos ?

Did Captain Cook have Tattoos ? Solarglide Explore The Outline . . .Believe it or not, but Captain James Cook had a large part to play in Tattoo culture, as we currently know it today.The oldest found evidence that people ‘tattooed’ each other dates from Neolithic times : ‘Otzi the Iceman’, a well preserved natural …