
Category Archives: Company News

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The Power Of Powder Coating

For today’s customer, having a choice is everything, being able to select what you want when you want it is paramount. In the purchasing process, more and more people are willing to wait a little longer or pay a little extra for a particular colour or style. At Solarglide we have the capabilities and expertise …

Solarglide invest in 3D printing technology

The introduction of 3D printing technology has improved our manufacturing process, it has allowed us to push the creative boundaries and enable us to tackle difficult and complex projects. The introduction of 3D printing technology has improved our manufacturing process, it has allowed us to push the creative boundaries and enable us to tackle difficult …

Solarglide’s Transformational Eco Road Trip

Solarglide transform their environmental policy and reduce plastic waste. In 2019 Solarglide decided to transform their environmental policy with the goal of ridding plastics while not compromising the safety of our goods as they travel the globe. Solarglide Limited use sugar cane shrink wrap as packaging, which ensures the contents are waterproofed, and fully biodegradable. Changing …

Solarglide Celebrate A Landmark Birthday !

This month, marks 15 years since we launched our business, this momentous milestone showcases the team’s hard work, resilience and determination. Managing director – Paul Pringle created Solarglide Limited from his flat in Leeds, England in February 2008. In contrast to growing concerns from friends and family regarding the huge risks of starting a business …

What you need to know about Solarglide Venetian Blinds

Manufactured in our headquarters in Gosforth, Newcastle, our venetian blinds have been designed for both the luxury yacht market and the cruise and river cruise customer. Solarglide manufacture venetian blinds in three styles; aluminium, wooden and leather wrapped. All the blinds operate in the same way regardless of the material being used. Venetian blinds offer …